Saturday, January 17, 2015


What does the word "safe" mean to you? You might say that it means "to be protected from danger", or you might say something else. According to "safe" is: secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk. Both of these definitions do resonate with me, but let me share with you an acronym that I wrote for the word, "Safe" is Secure, Anchored, Free, and Everlastingly loved.

I wrote this acronym for one of my fanfiction stories titled "S.A.F.E.". In the story, one character will finally come to terms with something that has haunted her for most of her life. You'll have to read the story and the stories before it to understand what I"m talking about, but here is the final line of the story.

"I am no long scared, abandoned, fearful, and empty. Instead I am secure, anchored, free, and everlastingly loved. I am safe in the arms of God's embrace, breathing in his freedom." 

The last phrase that she says (safe in the arms of God's embrace, breathing in his freedom), is actually a line from one of my new favorite songs, "Where Would We Be" by Matt Redman. This song became one of my favorite songs even before I had come up with the acronym. Every time I sat down to write a section of this story, this song would be the first one that I would listen to. In fact, I am even listening to it right now as I type this post.

This song is also featured in the story during a church service, The church in the story is in the middle of a series titled "SAFE" and they are currently on the second letter, A, which stands for "anchored". The song is the theme song for the series. Thee verse that they use is the story is Hebrews 6:19, which says "we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. (NIV)

I wold like to share with you an excerpt from the story, which is actually part of the message that my character hears and takes to heart.

"There are some of you this morning that are holding onto an anchor that's not from God. It's from the Devil, and he is weighing heavily on you. He doesn't want you to let go of it. He wants you to become so weighted down that maybe you reach your breaking point, But, God says to let it go. He wants you to let go of whatever is weighing you down and be anchored in Him and Him only. He wants you be safe in his arms. He wants you to be secure, anchored, free, and everlastingly loved."

So, what I am trying to get at here? Well, I want you to one day feel safe in the arms of God. Le t go of whatever is holding you down and be anchored in Christ.

This is my definition of safe.

By the way, 2 quick things, my second semester of college is going a lot better than my first semester. Also, here is the link to the story, "SAFE". Make sure you read or are familiar with the stories preceding it, specifically "Russia', so that this one will make sense.

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