Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Besides "Impossible" by Building429 being my top theme song, "Flawless" by Mercyme is the one that speaks to me the most. 

There's not much to say on this song, The words say it all. I would like to take this time to briefly share an instance where this song has spoken to me. 

During college. I changed my major from Chemistry to undecided and then to Journalism. However I handled the situation all wrong. I got angry and frustrated with my family because they didn't agree with my decision. There was one night I even hung up on my mom and literally ran out of my dorm building. To make matters worse, I left my phone in my room on purpose. 

Make a long story short, this incident has left me emotionally scarred, more specifically in the days following the day that I made the phone call to tell my parents the news and even as I headed into second semester. When this song came out, I found comfort that no matter how deep that scar is, God has forgiven me and made me flawless. He has forgiven me of the mistakes that were made. 

Here is the link and the lyrics to this powerful song by Mercyme. Read and listen and be reminded that the cross has made you FLAWLESS! 

"Flawless" by Mercyme

There’s got to be more 
Than going back and forth 
From doing right to doing wrong 
‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are 
Come on get in line right behind me 
You along with everybody 
Thinking there’s worth in what you do 

Then Like a hero who takes the stage when 
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late 
Well let me introduce you to amazing grace 

No matter the bumps 
No matter the bruises 
No matter the scars 
Still the truth is 
The cross has made 
The cross has made you flawless 
No matter the hurt 
Or how deep the wound is 
No matter the pain 
Still the truth is 
The cross has made 
The cross has made you flawless 

Could it possibly be 
That we simply can’t believe 
That this unconditional 
Kind of love would be enough 
To take a filthy wretch like this 
And wrap him up in righteousness 
But that’s exactly what He did 


Take a breath smile and say 
Right here right now I’m ok 
Because the cross was enough 

Then Like a hero who takes the stage when 
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late 
Well let me introduce you to grace grace 
God’s grace 


No matter what they say 
Or what you think you are 
The day you called His name 
He made you flawless
He made you flawless

No matter the bumps 
No matter the bruises 
No matter the scars 
Still the truth is 
The cross has made 
The cross has made you flawless

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


"Jesus looked at them and said, 'with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible'" Matthew 19;26

This verse is what inspired the new song "Impossible" by Building429. I had recently started hearing it on Shine.FM and at first, I thought it was crazy. As I started hearing it more, I began to fall in love with it. Today, it is my favorite song to dance to. I ALWAYS turn my radio up VERY LOUD and dance in front of my mirror.  I also play this song whenever I'm on my treadmill running since I am training for the half marathon.

To make things even more awesome, I sent a tweet to Building429 telling them that I really liked this song. The following day, the band followed me on Twitter! I was one happy camper. Thanks guys for following me.

So, instead of me doing all of the typing, why don't you just listen to the song yourself. Don't be ashamed if you start dancing. It's a catchy tune.

Read these lyrics and live out the truth: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!

"Impossible" by Building429

You got a vision
You got a dream
But it feels a million miles away
You got your passion
You got to believe
That this is why you were made

It takes a little time
Takes a little time
It takes a little time to see
I said it takes a little time
Takes a little time
It takes a little time to believe 

We can rise above the typical
And be anything but usual
We know
We know
We know
That there's no such thing as impossible

And nothing is unreachable 
When we trust the God of miracles
We know 
We know
We know
That there's no such thing as impossible

We're never given the spirit of fear 
Only the power of love
We'll keep on running and not grow weak
His strength is more than enough

It takes a little time
Takes a little time
It takes a little time to see
I said it takes a little time
Takes a little time
It takes a little time to believe

Rise above the typical
And be anything but usual
We know
We know
We know
That there is no such thing as impossible

That nothing is unreachable 
When we trust the God of miracles
We know 
We know
We know
That there is no such thing as impossible

There is no such, no such thing
There is no such, no such thing
There is no such, no such thing as impossible

There is no such, no such thing
There is no such, no such thing
There is no such, no such thing as impossible

Rise above the typical
And be anything but usual
We know
We know
We know
That there is no such thing as impossible

Nothing is unreachable 
When you trust the God of miracles
We know 
We know
We know
That there is no such thing as impossible

Friday, February 27, 2015


If "The Star-Spangled Banner" is the anthem for the United States, and if "God, Save the Queen" is the anthem of the United Kingdom, then what is the worship and religious anthem of the Church? Well, that answer is "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)" by Matt Redman.

This song came out back in 2011, but I never considered it as a worship and religious anthem for the church  I just thought that it was a great song to sing about worshiping God. Then one day, I received a newsletter from my junior high school and they described this song as the religious anthem of the church. When I read that, I was amazed and I totally agreed with what was said. I remember saying to myself, "I wish I could've been there to hear it." Nowadays that I'm in college, this song will be sung either in chapel or at my church that I attend.

The first time that I ever sang this song with other people was at my college's orientation. The only thing I remember was hearing the opening notes and being like "Wow, we're singing this." or something like that. I then sang this song with all my heart, and with both hands (I think) raised in the air. It's one thing to hear this song on the radio and sing it alone, but it's an entire different experience to hear other Christians singing this.

Another time we sang this song was during a Sunday worship service. The song was in a key that I could sing and it was just an acoustic guitar. This was the first time that I recorded it on my phone to have as a memory. I'm listening to it right now as I am typing. It brings back some nice memories.

 The most vivid memory that I have was at the end of January of this year during Olivet's Winter Revival. There were even times that I just stopped singing just so I could hear everyone else. It sounds so beautiful (even if the song was in a different key), just to hear a small church that's all filled to capacity sing this song. It sounds like a heavenly choir! I do have this version recorded as well.

It's hard to say which of these 3 memories is my favorite, more specifically the second and third one. They both have something that is memorable to me. The first one is memorable because it was the first time I ever sang it with a bunch of other people, but I don't have a recording of it. I wish I did, though. Oh well, at least I have the memory of it in my head. 

I'm not sure what else to say about this song. It's so amazing to hear and sing to God. So, I will just end with this:

My favorite number
10,000 reasons for my heart to find; 10,000 years and then forevermore.

Here are the lyrics to this amazing song. Oh, check out the album that this song is on. It's called "10,000 Reasons). There are some other really great songs on there as well, 

"10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)" by Matt Redman

The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

You're rich in love, and You're slow to anger
Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness I will keep on singing
Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

And on that day when my strength is failing
The end draws near and my time has come
Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years and then forevermore

[Chorus x2]
Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name
Lord, I'll worship Your holy name

Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name
Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name
I'll worship Your holy name

Saturday, January 17, 2015


What does the word "safe" mean to you? You might say that it means "to be protected from danger", or you might say something else. According to "safe" is: secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk. Both of these definitions do resonate with me, but let me share with you an acronym that I wrote for the word, "Safe" is Secure, Anchored, Free, and Everlastingly loved.

I wrote this acronym for one of my fanfiction stories titled "S.A.F.E.". In the story, one character will finally come to terms with something that has haunted her for most of her life. You'll have to read the story and the stories before it to understand what I"m talking about, but here is the final line of the story.

"I am no long scared, abandoned, fearful, and empty. Instead I am secure, anchored, free, and everlastingly loved. I am safe in the arms of God's embrace, breathing in his freedom." 

The last phrase that she says (safe in the arms of God's embrace, breathing in his freedom), is actually a line from one of my new favorite songs, "Where Would We Be" by Matt Redman. This song became one of my favorite songs even before I had come up with the acronym. Every time I sat down to write a section of this story, this song would be the first one that I would listen to. In fact, I am even listening to it right now as I type this post.

This song is also featured in the story during a church service, The church in the story is in the middle of a series titled "SAFE" and they are currently on the second letter, A, which stands for "anchored". The song is the theme song for the series. Thee verse that they use is the story is Hebrews 6:19, which says "we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. (NIV)

I wold like to share with you an excerpt from the story, which is actually part of the message that my character hears and takes to heart.

"There are some of you this morning that are holding onto an anchor that's not from God. It's from the Devil, and he is weighing heavily on you. He doesn't want you to let go of it. He wants you to become so weighted down that maybe you reach your breaking point, But, God says to let it go. He wants you to let go of whatever is weighing you down and be anchored in Him and Him only. He wants you be safe in his arms. He wants you to be secure, anchored, free, and everlastingly loved."

So, what I am trying to get at here? Well, I want you to one day feel safe in the arms of God. Le t go of whatever is holding you down and be anchored in Christ.

This is my definition of safe.

By the way, 2 quick things, my second semester of college is going a lot better than my first semester. Also, here is the link to the story, "SAFE". Make sure you read or are familiar with the stories preceding it, specifically "Russia', so that this one will make sense.

Friday, January 2, 2015


What's your word for this year? Well, if you asked me this back when I was a junior in high school, I would've answered with this, "Courage". Each day, I needed to have courage and be very brave to adjust to my new high school as I was transitioning from a private school to a public high school. I remember walking in on the first day and it felt like a giant culture shock. By the time I reached my senior year, things were a lot better. It wasn't the greatest, but with God's help, I made it through and best of all, I graduated with honors!

What's your word for this year? Well, this year, my word it "Thrive". According to thrive is a verb meaning "to prosper, be fortunate or successful." "Thrive" is my word for 2015.

In 2014, Christian artist Casing Crowns released their 6th album titled "Thrive". This album also featured the song with the same title. The line that stands out to me is this. "It's time for us to more than just survive. We were made to thrive."

So, how do I thrive? Well, let me give you an image. Take your right hand and hold up all 5 fingers. Then take your left hand and place it under your right hand, but have your fingers point down .This, according to Casting Crowns' singer, Mark Hall, is called the "Thrive Five". The fingers on the left hand are like roots of a tree. This is called digging deep into God's word and learning more about who He is, The fingers on the right hand are pointed up. This is called reaching out into the world and showing others who God is. We as Christians are not just to only dig deep and only reach out, we are tot dig deep AND reach out.

So, why is thrive my word for 2015? Well, it was also my word when I started college last fall. Unfortunately, and I won't go into details, but I had a rough semester because of some very stressful things that took place. Make a long story short, and thanks to God and my parents, I am going back to college for a second semester!! I still however bare an emotional scar from everything that took place.

As I prepare to head back to college for the spring, my goal is to not just to survive, My goal is to THRIVE!!!!!!! How am I going to do this? Well first off, I'm going to go into each of my classes, ready to learn. Second, I'm going to grow in my spiritual life. I have actually already started a few new things to help. I have started a prayer wall with people's names on post-it notes. Most of them are authors on FanFiction that need prayer. The rest are friends. Another thing I do is devotions. I read devotions morning, noon, and night. It's a great way to relax and focus my mind on God.

The last way that I am going thrive is to think positive. A lot of times last semester I was really negative and not in a good mood because of what had happened, Yes there were days that were enjoyable, but there was always a sense of sadness over me. I wasn't exactly my full self and there were days that I let it overpower me. Well, this year, I am not going to do that. I am going to instead be "safe in the arms of [God's] embrace, breathing in his freedom (Matt Redman "Where Would We Be").

So, what are you waiting for? Stop trying to just survive, go out there and THRIVE!! Dig deep into God's word and reach out into the world!

Here are thy lyrics to this amazing song.

"Thrive" by Casting Crowns

Here in this worn and weary land
Where many a dream has died
Like a tree planted by the water

We never will run dry

So living water flowing through

God we thirst for more of You
Fill our hearts and flood our souls
With one desire

Just to know You and

To make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun make darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It's time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive

Into Your word we're digging deep

To know our Father's heart
Into the world we're reaching out

To show them who You are

So living water flowing through

God we thirst for more of You
Fill our hearts and flood our souls
With one desire

Just to know You and

To make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun make darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It's time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive

Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible

Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible
Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible
Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible

Just to know You and

To make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun make darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It's time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive


We were made to Thrive!